As I've been saying, "Who wouldn't want to have us as a member?"
We are now officially members of the Council of International Schools. What does mean, you ask. Well, it means we can now apply for accreditation from CIS. It means that the first step in the long journey of my job here is successfully completed. It means the hardest part is yet to come.
In order to continue to move toward accreditation, we need to continue to establish systems at the school that are integrated, sustainable, and focused on student well-being and achievement. For me, it means setting up a system of Professional Learning Communities where the teachers can work on curriculum review, data analysis, and effective instruction.
"Easy," you say. "You've done that before." Yes, but with resources and a common language. This is proving to be quite a challenge.
All those things that we so take for granted in the U.S. are new concepts here. Remember, Kazakhstan has only been out from under Soviet rule for a short time. Many of the Soviet style systems and the thinking that accompanies them are still alive and well.
But we have begun the hard work. Last week, my team and I did three days of professional development workshops kicking off our new initiative. Again, I am fortunate to work with a group of international teachers who are knowledgeable, patient, and willing to continue to learn themselves.
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